Tim Wickenden
Tim Wickenden
Tim loves to write, and reads with a passion: the one sets him free, while the other allows him to walk in the shoes of others. We are nothing without stories. Tim’s began in Zimbabwe. He spent his childhood there, in Hong Kong, and then Germany. Aged five, a serious accident left a deep impression on him, and after his well-meaning parents packed him off, aged eight, to boarding school in England, he suffered abuse and neglect, all of which have become grist to his mill and essential inspiration with which he infuses his characters and their stories.
His childhood was punishing, but he believes in forgiveness, and the art of survival. There is no black-and-white. We are all morally grey: complex, and beautiful. There is nothing more powerful than an act of love. This is what Tim writes about.
He adores stories from our past, devouring history books and writes historical fiction and non-fiction. He loves the chase, running down the stories, making the past come to life for his readers. Everything he writes about has happened.
His complex past led him to a quiet part of Southwest Wales, where he has lived since 2005. In 2012, Tim joined a creative writing group, since when he has toiled at crafting his art. The stories have always been in him; it is learning to make them real that takes perseverance. He published his first book in 2019. There are many more to come.